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Hackathon in Quito: Disaster Risk Management and Planning

The hackathon 'Making Cities Resilient', to be held in Quito on 2 and 3 September, is an event to improve the management of natural disasters through the use of technology and open data. It is organized jointly by theInter - American Development Bank (IDB) and the Innovation Lab Quito (Linq).

The aim of the hackathon is to create an open discussion between citizens, experts and government officials on possible solutions to the challenges facing cities on issues of risk mitigation and resilience, identified as priorities by the Metropolitan District of Quito (MDMQ) and IDB. It will be an opportunity for multisectoral collaboration with participating citizens, the municipality, the private sector and civil society organizations.

Get involved and help make Latin American cities, global examples! Click here to register.


Global Urban Futures Project is an initiative at The New School

sponsored by the Ford Foundation

Milano School of International Affairs,

Management & Urban Policy

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