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GUF News Feed

HABITAT III AND BEYOND: New Challenges- New Answers.
October 21st, 2016 At 8:00 am This is an international meeting organized by the Industrial University of Santander, la National...

A glimpse of the 'Urban Breakfast' event at the Ford Foundation
With less than a month to go before Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, the Global Urban Futures Project (GUFP) together with the Ford...

Gender Transformation for the New Urban Agenda
Will decisions on the New Urban Agenda help transform gender? Click here for a preview of Caroline Moser's new article! (C) Photo by:...

Hackathon in Quito: Disaster Risk Management and Planning
The hackathon 'Making Cities Resilient', to be held in Quito on 2 and 3 September, is an event to improve the management of natural...

#SupportRight2City Campaign
The Global Platform for the Right to the City came out with this campaign in time for the Habitat 3 PrepCom in Surabaya this week.

Join us July 23, 10pm Eastern Time!
Join us at 10pm Eastern Time, as we reveal our findings on the Habitat Commitment Project Here is the link:

Global Urban Futures at Identifying Urban Inequities in Childhood Conference
Mike Cohen, Director of the Global Urban Futures Project and Samantha Cocco-Klein, GUFP fellow were participated at Identifying Urban...

What does the BREXIT mean for the New Urban Agenda?
Mike Cohen, Director of the Global Urban Futures Project, on the British vote to leave the E.U. and what it means for the New Urban...

Prof. Michael Cohen of GUFP in Citiscope
Prof. Michael Cohen of the New School and Director of the Global Urban Futures Project was quoted on an article by Greg Scruggs (May...
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